Aviation Support

Our team have extensive experience initially working for airlines and later establishing new businesses, some of which are now major global players and widely recognise across the World.


It is with this background in aviation and in security we offer a unique ability to assist any airline, airport or related business not just in the UK but worldwide.


We can assist you with a variety of services from establishing new airlines, new routes, aircraft acquisition right through to  all security cleared baggage handling, ground crew and security personnel.

Aviation Support Includes:


With our skills and industry experience we assist corporations and individuals in aircraft sourcing, acquiring a new or pre-owned aircraft be it through charter, fractional ownership, aircraft leasing or an outright aircraft purchase.  If you are looking for an aircraft but unsure where to begin, you need to contact us now to see how we can help.


We specialise in comprehensive consulting services for airlines.  We have extensive experience, expertise and numerous proof points having established a number of now global players. We are experts in this specialist field supporting the privatisation of state run airlines as well as launching completely new businesses.  If you are thinking of setting up a new business or going through change, contact us now to discuss how we can support.


We have extensive hands on experience running airlines and understand all the challenges this entails from procurement, route economics, commercial pricing, commercial agreements, financial planning and technical disciplines.  We call upon our contacts and industry experts in this specialist field where projects require and again can point to a number success stories to demonstrate our credentials. Why not speak to us about the challenges you are facing and how we can assist.


Our team safeguard civil aviation against unlawful interference; we assure and protect passengers, planes, staff and airports from accidental harm, crime and other threats, providing a range of industry related security personnel. Contact us about how we support your airline operation.